Annual Meeting Ballot 2016

At SKullumni's annual meeting during Homecoming weekend, all Voting Members have the opportunity to vote on four different matters.  For those alumni unable to attend the annual meeting in person, ballots have been made available.  These ballots will be emailed (and mailed to those without email) to Voting Members on September 19th, with a response deadline of October 13, 2016.  The ballot questions are:

1. Do you approve that the fiscal year 2017 Membership Dues be set at a minimum of $25 per member as proposed by the Skullumni Executive Committee?

2. Do you approve the budget for fiscal year 2017 as proposed by the Skullumni Executive Committee?

3. Do you approve the amendments to Skullumni’s bylaws as proposed by the Skullumni Executive Committee?  

4. Offices: President - Joshua Moody '09; VP - Scott Morelli '99; Secretary - Robert Williams '00; Member Relations - Justin Davis '15

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